Privacy Policy
They took time to understand how I felt and what I needed. They respected me and were very nice.
We will protect the privacy of all the information you give us
The information you give us about yourself is important to our work. It is important to the treatment you may receive and to any study you may be taking part in.To provide the best service possible, we need to collect and use information about you. We promise to make sure that all your information is kept private and secure.
This page explains why we collect information about you, and how we use it.
To learn more about how Nexus Youth Services protects the privacy of your information, call our Privacy Officer at 905-795-3500 ext. 2647.
How We Use Your Information
We have rules, set out in a policy, about keeping your information private. We also have a Privacy Code that is based on the law. You may request a copy of our Privacy Code.We collect basic information about you so that we can provide the best service possible. We also collect information for our records, as the law requires us to.
Each time you visit us, we collect information about you. Your information is given to your counsellor, other professionals involved in your treatment, and students who are part of your treatment team. This information helps us find out what your concerns are. It also helps us provide the best treatment for you, and it helps us track your progress in treatment.
Sometimes the information we collect may be used as part of a study to help us make youth healthier. It may also help us improve the way we run our organizations and the quality of service we give.
At times we may use your name and address to send you a client feedback survey by mail and ask you to complete it. Your feedback from the survey helps us improve the services we offer.
We may also write you to help raise money for our programs, equipment, buildings and research.
Who can look at your information
When you seek mental health services from us, we assume that we have your permission to collect, use and share your personal health information among the health care providers who provide or assist in providing health care to you.We give your information to only those people who need it for their work. We also give your information to those who have a right to it by law. These are the people who may see your information:
- you,
- in some cases, the person responsible for making decisions for you,
- your counsellor and other members of the treatment team who are part of our organizations,
- your other health care providers (e.g. family physician) outside the organizations so they can provide you with ongoing health care and follow-up,
- students and others training at our organizations,
- staff doing approved studies who do not need specific information that identifies you as a client,
- people who have a contract to provide services to our organizations, and
- other people, if you agree and provide written consent, or when the law requires it.
In some circumstances, you can tell us not to share some or all of your personal health information with other people who provide or assist you with health care. If you choose to limit how much of your personal health information we can share with your other health care providers, you should be aware that when we give out your personal health information to them, we are required to tell them when we think the information is incomplete, including when we think the missing information could affect your health care.
We are allowed or may be required to use and/or give out some of your personal health information without your consent in some situations. Some examples are:
- when we suspect certain types of abuse,
- to reduce a significant risk of serious bodily harm to a person or to the public,
- in an emergency where the life, health, or security of an individual is threatened,
- to assist professionals who do health research, as long as strict privacy requirements are met, and
- for a legal proceeding, or to obey a court order or another legal requirement.
Your Rights and Choices
Seeing your information
You have a right to see your personal health information and to get a copy of it by asking us. We may require your request in writing. Some exceptions may apply. For example, when the information relates to law enforcement, legal proceedings or another individual, you may not get to see the record.We must reply to your request to see your information within 30 days, or later if it is reasonable to do so. You are entitled to be told how long it will take to get back to you if it will be longer than 30 days.
Correcting your record
Once you have seen your record of personal health information, if you believe it is inaccurate or incomplete, you may ask for a correction. We may require your request in writing. We must reply to your request for a correction within 30 days, or later if it is reasonable to do so. You are entitled to be told how long it will take to get back to you if it will be longer than 30 days.We may not correct a record that was created by someone else. You are entitled to be told the reasons for not making a correction and of your right to have a statement of disagreement attached to your record.
When we correct a record, it must be done carefully so that the full corrected record remains visible, or by ensuring that the corrected version is readily available.
Information about our organizations, client feedback surveys, research, and raising money
Sometimes we may use your information to write you about- Our organizations and our services
- A client feedback survey
- A research study, or
- Raising money to support our organizations.
Information about Our Organization
We may use only your name and address to send you information about our organizations and our services, for example, brochures or newsletters.Client Surveys
We may ask you to complete a client satisfaction survey by mail. If we ask you to complete one of these mail surveys, this is what happens:- We use only your name and address to send the survey.
- We use your answers to the survey to find out about the quality of the services you and your family received. This information helps us improve the services we provide in the future.
If you agree to take part in a study, it is important to know that a Research Ethics Committee has already approved the study and the use of client or family information. The Research Ethics Committee is a group of people who make sure that all studies meet the highest standards for doing science properly.Raising Money
We may write you when we are raising money. If this happens,- We use only your name and address to send you these letters.
- Any money you give our organizations will be used for our programs, equipment, buildings or research.
The service you get from our organizations will not be affected if you do not want to get information about our organization, answer a client feedback survey, take part in a research study, or give money.
If you do not want us to use your information for certain purposes, such as writing you about our organization, client feedback surveys, research, or raising money, please contact us. Give us your full name and a home phone number so we can call you in case we need to check the information.
Who to talk to about your privacy concerns
Please come to us if you are unhappy about something that has been done with your personal health information. We want to work out your concern with you. To talk about your concern and see what can be done to fix the situation, please speak to our Privacy Officer at:Nexus Youth Services
85A Aventura Court
Mississauga, ON
L5T 2Y6
Telephone: 905-795-3500 ext. 2647
Who to contact if we are unable to work out your concern about how your personal health information has been handled
You may get in touch with the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario about any decision, action or inaction that you believe does not follow the Personal Health Information Protection Act. For instance, you may wish to get in touch with the Commissioner if:- you have been unable to work out a concern about how we have handled your personal health information,
- you have been unable to see all your personal health information, or there has been a delay in our response to your request, or
- you feel that the personal health information in your record is wrong and you have been unable to get us to correct the information.
You must get in touch with the Commissioner within one year of the matter you are concerned about, and you are required to put your concern in writing.
The Commissioner will try to work out the matter through a meeting with you and our Privacy Officer in the Commissioner’s office. If your concern cannot be worked out in this way, the Commissioner has the power to investigate and to make an order that sets out what must happen.
Here are the ways you can get in touch with the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario:
Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario
2 Bloor Street East, Suite 1400
Toronto, ON M4W 1A8
Telephone: 416-326-3333
Or: 1-800-387-0073
Facsimile: 416-325-9195
TTY: 416-325-7539
Email address: [email protected]